Choosing The Best Lawyer For A Roundup Lawsuit

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As more Roundup victims win their legal battles against Monsanto/Bayer, the chances for others affected to receive financial compensation are increasing.

However, taking on a powerful pharma giant can be intimidating. To make sure you’re in good hands, it’s important to hire the right lawyer for a Roundup lawsuit—someone with proven experience in these cases who will treat your claim with the care and professionalism it deserves.

If you or a loved one has been affected by non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) or another type of cancer linked to Roundup exposure, read on to find out how to choose the best legal representation.


Roundup Lawsuit Background

Professional Insecticide Service Roundup Lawsuit Background body

Since 2018, the legal situation surrounding Roundup has taken some dramatic turns, highlighting more than just the health risks associated with its active ingredient, glyphosate.

Over $11 billion has been allocated to victims—cancer patients, survivors, and the estates of those who’ve passed away—directly linking their suffering to Roundup exposure.

The story took a major turn with the $2.25 billion Philadelphia verdict in favor of John McKivison in January 2024, along with other significant verdicts throughout 2023. These decisions underline the courts’ recognition of Roundup’s potential dangers and Monsanto/Bayer’s alleged negligence.

Glyphosate, once praised for its weed-killing power, is now at the center of a heated debate over its safety, especially after connections to non-Hodgkin lymphoma emerged.

The “Monsanto Papers” further damaged the product’s reputation. These documents revealed attempts by Monsanto (later acquired by Bayer) to influence scientific research and regulatory reviews of the product’s safety, raising serious questions about the honesty of the company’s own safety claims.

In response, Bayer has tried to limit lawsuits, win back consumer trust, and reduce financial risks. While their “Five-Point Plan” includes phasing out glyphosate from U.S. residential products by 2023, glyphosate-based Roundup products are still widely available.

The effects of these legal battles go far beyond the courtroom. They’ve sparked global re-evaluations of regulations, with several countries imposing bans or restrictions on glyphosate.

For those personally affected by cancer potentially linked to Roundup, these developments offer not only financial compensation but also a sense of justice.


Why You Need a Lawyer to File a Roundup Claim

Filing a claim against Monsanto/Bayer for their negligence and failure to warn consumers about the carcinogenic dangers of glyphosate isn’t simple.

A skilled Roundup lawyer can help with the following:


Establishing Case Eligibility

Determining if you’re eligible to file a Roundup claim involves:

  • Reviewing your exposure history,
  • Checking your state’s statute of limitations (the timeframe you have to file a claim),
  • Examining your medical records, and
  • Connecting these details with relevant legal cases.

An experienced lawyer knows how to gather all the necessary evidence and present it effectively to build a strong case for compensation.


Building Your Case

Once your eligibility is confirmed, the challenging task of building a legal case against Monsanto/Bayer begins. This is where the hard work happens, and the stakes are high since the outcome often depends on the strength of the evidence—and expert testimonies—that link your illness to Roundup exposure.

The success of building your case relies on diligence, experience, and access to top-notch investigative resources. It’s also crucial to have a legal team backed by capable administrative staff who are familiar with the procedures involved in developing a product liability case.

The evidence supporting your claim is key to the strength of your Roundup lawsuit. It can determine whether your case is settled out of court or goes to trial. Having a knowledgeable Roundup lawyer to lay the groundwork is often the difference between a favorable settlement and drawn-out litigation.


Understanding the Value of Your Claim

Factors that determine the potential settlement amount in a Roundup lawsuit include current and future medical expenses, lost wages, compensation for pain and suffering, and punitive damages. Assessing these factors requires a deep understanding of your case’s medical and legal details.

Reaching a realistic figure also depends on having a clear view of the current legal landscape surrounding Roundup at the time of filing your claim. A good lawyer will understand Monsanto’s defense strategies, their willingness to settle, and how the legal system views similar cases.

Without this expertise, there’s a risk of undervaluing your claim and accepting a settlement that doesn’t fully compensate you and your family for what you’ve been through.


Negotiating with Large Corporations

Monsanto/Bayer is a huge multinational company with vast resources and a top-notch legal team, which can be tough to face on your own or with an inexperienced lawyer.

Taking on this company is challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with the complexities of product liability and personal injury law.

That’s why you need the support of a reliable firm experienced in negotiating with big corporations and their legal teams. This is about getting the best possible outcome for you and your family—a successful claim and a substantial settlement.


How to Choose the Best Lawyer for a Roundup Lawsuit

When comparing law firms to find the best lawyer for your Roundup lawsuit, here are the criteria we suggest you consider:


Do They Have Experience with Roundup Cases?

Look for tort law firms that are actively involved in Roundup cancer lawsuits. They have the knowledge and experience needed to handle these cases effectively. The goal isn’t to get into a lengthy legal battle with Monsanto/Bayer, but to present a case that encourages them to settle out of court. An experienced attorney will know how to make that happen.


Are They Accessible and Helpful?

Choose a firm known for excellent client communication and customer service. The road ahead might be tough, especially if you’re dealing with health challenges. Having a supportive and responsive legal team can make a big difference.

Don’t hesitate to ask potential lawyers any questions you have about your case before deciding to hire them. If they’re open and willing to discuss your concerns in a way that makes you feel at ease, that’s a positive sign.

A great way to judge a law firm’s accessibility is through your first interaction with them. When you contact them, do you speak to someone who understands the case and can answer most of your questions? Are you treated like a valued potential client, or just another number in their process?


Do They Specialize in Personal Injury or Product Liability Law?

Firms that focus on personal injury or product liability law are skilled at seeing through the tactics large corporations use to avoid accountability. While you might be tempted to go with a law firm you’ve used before, only do so if they have experience in this specific area of law.


Are They Equipped to Handle Big Cases?

Make sure the tort law firm you choose has the resources for thorough investigations. For example, they should have enough qualified staff to handle the demanding task of gathering relevant evidence. It’s also a good sign if they have access to leading experts in science, medicine, and vocational fields who can establish a clear link between your Roundup exposure and illness.


Do They Work on a Contingency Fee Basis?

Most reputable law firms, like Tosi Law, operating in the mass tort space, work on a contingency fee basis. This means they get paid out of your settlement amount or court-awarded winnings. These firms don’t charge any upfront fees and only get paid if your case is successful.

Given the number of experts involved in a Roundup cancer lawsuit, legal fees can be significant, especially if the case goes to trial. Ask your potential legal team to explain their fee structure clearly. Transparency and openness in these discussions are always good signs of a firm’s culture.


Discuss Your Case with Tosi Law

Businesspeople Meeting with Lawyers from Their Legal Team Discuss Your Case with Tosi Law body

At Tosi Law, we understand the challenges you face when considering legal action against powerful companies like Monsanto/Bayer.

We know this is a lot to take in, especially if you’re also dealing with health issues.

That’s why we’re proud of our approachable, client-focused practice. We believe in treating everyone who reaches out to us with respect, professionalism, and empathy.

We also understand that starting a conversation about your case might feel overwhelming, so we’ve built an in-house call center, staffed by knowledgeable, experienced, and compassionate case counselors who are ready to listen, answer your questions, and guide you through your legal options.

And remember, reaching out to our case counselors doesn’t obligate you to become a Tosi Law client. We’re happy to discuss your case without pressuring you to choose us as your legal team.